“I had a lot of problems with my family in terms of adjustment and I wanted to make a life of my own,” says Latha, a 23 year old woman from Bangalore. Latha has been facing many domestic issues at home and wanting to find a solution, she went to an organization supported by Women and Child development, Bangalore. Samarthanam’s Swadhara and its services were explained to Latha. She was not a confident individual when she stepped into Samarthanam. She was nurtured, provided with food, safety and shelter, and was later counselled by experts. After staying at Swadhara for almost 2 years, there is a definite change in Latha’s demeanor. Identifying her interest in tailoring, she received training in the same. Latha has resolved her family issues with the help of the counselor and is now leading an independent life along with family.