Walkathon for “Health for All”

Date: 9th December 2023

Venue: Kittur Rani Chennamma Stadium

Time: 09:30 am

We are thrilled to introduce the “Walkathon for Health for All,” a community-driven initiative with a vision to create a healthier, more inclusive world. With your support, our aim is to have a profound impact on individuals from all walks of life, particularly those in underserved communities. Our Walkathon, themed “Health for All,” has a multi-faceted approach to its beneficiaries and objectives. We prioritize raising awareness on health and hygiene, particularly among marginalized rural and slum communities. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 3, we focus on ensuring healthy lives and well-being for all. Our inclusive event welcomes participants of all ages and backgrounds, fostering community-wide participation. The “Health for All” Walkathon encompasses a multi-faceted approach, including mass awareness for health, promoting Sustainable Development Goal 3, empowering marginalized communities and nourishing students, inclusivity for all ages and genders, promoting health and safety, enhancing female well-being, empowering individuals with disabilities through digital devices, enhancing healthcare infrastructure, addressing pressing health needs, and ensuring transparent and accountable resource utilization.

We invite active community participation in our mission of “HEALTH FOR ALL” and believe your involvement can significantly impact health awareness and the well-being of our society.

Register and join us in walking towards a healthier and more inclusive future.


Samarthanam Trust thanks you for believing in our cause and choosing to make a donation.

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For further queries on the initiative Contact Us at:info@samarthanam.org

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