IPSKC Distinguished Service award
The Indian Psychiatric Society – Karnatak Chapter at its 30th Annual Conference e-KANCIPS 2020 bestowed the IPS- KC Distinguished Service Award on 4th October 2020 to Samarthanam Trust For the Disabled . Dr Madhukar B.R, President IPSKC and Dr Sunilkumar G. Patil , Hon Secretary IPKSC commended Samarthanam for its dedication and commitment. Mr G.K Mahantesh, Founder Samarthanam said ‘’ We express our sincere gratitude for the recognition. It motivates us to excel more and more in our work towards the society “
This award for the year 2019-2020 recognizes the work done by Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled towards the empowerment of persons with disabilities , and places on record its deep appreciations and encouragements of its humane services and devoted work of the team.